Cardiology Service
At Newcastle Private Hospital we provide comprehensive and integrated cardiac services for patients. Our state of the art cardiac catheter laboratory, hybrid theatre and cardiac operating theatre are supported by a 15 bed ICU and 16 bed coronary care unit. Our team of expert cardiologists dedicate themselves to providing the best possible care to our patients.
It's safe to say that you, the patient, are at the heart of everything we do.
The private experience
Expect better when you’re with us. Most patients enjoy the privacy of a single room. We also provide additional services including:
- Access to dietitian services
- Pre-admission clinic services
- Specialised physiotherapy services and in house rehab
Next steps
If your GP has recommended more complex cardiac care, ask for a referral to one of the state’s leading specialists. Tell them that you prefer to be treated at Newcastle Private Hospital, the heart of cardiac care.
Our world class cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons treat a range of heart conditions and related symptoms.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below:
- Chest pain/Angina
- Palpitations- racing or irregular heartbeat.
- Shortness of Breath
- Dizziness or fainting
- Signs of heart failure – swollen ankles, unable to lie flat or waking short of breath
You should contact your GP or present to our emergency department for assessment. If you require urgent attention dial 000 (triple zero) and ask for an Ambulance.
Procedures we offer:
For severely narrowed or leaking valves these may be repaired or replaced. This can be achieved with standard surgery, less invasive surgery or via minimally invasive catheter-based procedures. To replace a heart valve, your doctor may remove the heart valve and replace it with a mechanical valve or a biological tissue valve.
Coronary angiography is the process of taking images of the coronary “heart” arteries by passing a thin tube called a catheter through an arm and leg artery to the top of the heart. A small amount of contrast is injected and an x-ray camera outside the body takes images.
Coronary angioplasty and stenting are procedures to reopen blocked or significantly narrowed coronary arteries. This may involve inflating a balloon or placing a stent (an expandable metal scaffold) into the artery to restore blood flow.
Angiography and stenting are commonly performed under local anaesthetic and IV sedation without the need for a general anaesthetic.
Coronary bypass surgery, otherwise known as coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is a procedure that uses another artery or vein to restore blood flow to your heart muscle by bypassing the area of blockage or narrowing.
DC cardioversion (DCCV) is used to treat irregular heart rhythms - commonly atrial fibrillation. The procedure involves a general anaesthetic and placement of electrodes on the chest. An electrical impulse or shock is delivered to return the heart rhythm to normal.
Electrophysiology (EP) studies, are a series of tests that examine your heart's electrical activity. They involve mapping the electrical paths in the heart to determine if significant electrical abnormalities exist. This may be carried out prior to considering the best management for heart arrhythmias.
Cardiac ablation uses heat (radio frequency) energy to create tiny scars in your heart to block abnormal electrical signals that cause rhythm disturbances. This procedure is used to correct heart rhythm problems such as atrial fibrillation.
An implantable loop recorder is a convenient and easy way to obtain long term ECG recording by implanting a tiny paperclip sized device under the skin. This device can record ECGs for 3 plus years and is generally suited for patients with unexplained fainting and strokes/mini strokes of unknown cause. Your doctor can remotely monitor your heart rhythm via a mobile link that you keep in your home.
A pacemaker is a small device usually inserted under the skin of the upper chest and attached to a pacing wire that paces your heart when your heart is unable to do so adequately. This procedure is commonly performed under local anaesthetic without the need for a general anaesthetic.
Structural heart procedures provided by Newcastle Private Hospital include:
- Patent foramen ovale closure (PFO)
- Atrial septal defect (ASD)
- Ventricular Septal Defect closure (VSD closure)
- Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion or Closure
A transesophageal echocardiogram is a type of echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) that takes images from behind the heart. This is achieved by passing the probe down the back of the throat (very similar to an endoscopy or gastroscopy procedure). The images obtained are of better quality than a normal echocardiogram due to the lack of lung (air) between echo probe and heart.